Faith of Our Mothers

For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well.  (2 Timothy 1:5, NASB)

My beloved grandmother, Mrs. Martha C. Millender was a strong woman of faith in God. She was also dedicated to her church family, as she served faithfully as a teacher and a leader. I recall seeing her Sunday School books and notebooks filled with her written notes she made as she prepared to teach.

I believe this is why my mother became active in church, because she saw how dedicated my grandmother was to her church.  My mother and father led my sister and I to Christ, and we serve faithfully at our churches also.

I am a testimony that the faith my grandmother had was passed on to my mother, and is in me as well. One of the best legacies you can pass on to your children and grandchildren is a strong, deep faith in Jesus Christ. They may see how you lead others closer to Christ in the way you serve faithfully in your church. They may see the love of Christ through your gentle interactions, or godly words of wisdom. Or they may see you talking to God, as you pray and intercede for them.

Once they see that your relationship with Christ is real, they later on will be moved to place their faith in Christ and grow in Him also.

PRAYER: Lord, help us to lead our children to you. May they see the reality and joy of serving You. We thank you that they will be bold witnesses for you, and carry out your perfect will for each of their lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

*This is from my first devotional book that I have co-authored The Power of God Daily Devotional II.*


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